Click the Cover to Pre-order “Watch The Thrown”

Cover designed by Riccardo Tisci, Creative Director of Givenchy

After Media Take Out leaked out the cover to the much anticipated album from Jay-Z & Kanye West, people went nuts! Although both artist have been very hush about the progress on the album, it is set (if they don’t change it again) to release on August 2nd.

Here is the Confirmed Tracklist for this MONSTROUS album

1. Lift Off (Feat. Beyonce & Bruno Mars)
2. Murder To Excellence
3. Illest Mother Alive
4. Why I Love You So (Guilt Trip)
5. That Shit Crazy
6. Living So Italian
7. Who Gonna Stop Me
8. Whole Lifetime
9. We Are Young
10. Anthem

(There are also 4 bonus tracks that are not listed)

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