Written by Loso of Houston TREND

android-eating-apple copy These days its rare to find a person who does not own a smartphone. Think about it; they do everything! You no longer have to carry a planner, music player, portable video player, camera, portable gaming device and your cell phone because this little device does all that and then some.

In the beginning, it was safe to say that the Apple’s iPhone was ruler of the smart phone world and that there was no trampling the King from its throne. However, today things couldn’t be more different. The fact that Google keeps its OS open to manufacturers, means they are free to do almost what they want with Android. Meaning, some Android devices may be cheaper than your typical smartphone, meaning that more people are likely to purchase an Android. ChartOfTheDay_1442_govermental_data_requests_n copy

So you ask, how does Apple regain its supremacy? Simple, by not beating them, but joining them! iTunes has been the largest online music store since 2008! If Apple were to open their iTunes store to Android users, they will only see that TREND continue to grow.

So with that said, how do you feel about the possibility of iTunes coming to Android?

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