As much as we love and need money to survive, it’s also a gateway to death if you’re greedy enough. And as much as money is praised, it’s two sides to every dollar and cent. On “G.E.E.D” K.A.Y.O gives us the less so glamorous side of currency.

As soon as the track begins, K.A.Y.O lets us know that money is the root of all evil and he takes us on a mental journey of the dangers of the dollar. n his rough raspy voice, the Missouri City native let’s us know that money can turn your friends against you, turn your girl against you, people will kill and steal for it.

Midway through the first verse, K.A.Y.O gives us the psyche of a greedy person. In third person, he’s rapping as the self conscious of a person who’s taking desperate measures in hopes of getting paid. Instead of his conscious telling him to get up and get a job, he tells him to go on an arm robbery.

“G.R.E.E.D” is the first single that’ll be on K.A.Y.O’s album Konflicted Addictionz that’ll be here in May. Take a listen below.

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