Attorney Tiecia Ayers has been dedicated to advocating zealously for her clients who have been severely injured. She takes extreme pride in patiently listening to her client’s concerns and vigorously representing them.
At The Law Office of Tiecia Ayers, the goal is always to help clients overcome their legal hurdles and put their life back on track, as Ayers isn’t afraid to fight for her client’s rights. Her firm is committed to delivering top-notch traditional and non-traditional legal services tailored specifically for each client.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen more and more Powerful Women come to the forefront of Male Dominated Spaces, as they should.
Fortunately, Ayers is Leading that wave with her Million Dollar Law Firm and, more importantly, Her work ethic and determination to take up space in a way that pushes “The Woman King.” wave forward in the best way.
Like any Self Made Success, Ayers hasn’t had it easy.
At an early age, Tiecia knew she wanted to be an attorney, and she worked hard to accomplish her goal. Nothing seemed to come easy for Tiecia when it came to reaching that goal, but she never gave up. Tiecia is a mother of two boys and is determined to make them proud. While obtaining her bachelor’s degree, Tiecia worked full-time, was a full-time mother, and was a full-time student at The University of Texas at Arlington.
There were many nights that Tiecia worked overnight and attended class the next morning after taking a thirty-minute nap. In 2013, she graduated Cum Lade with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and Criminology.
Perseverance is HER name and will continue to ring aloud as she builds HERLegal Legacy, Brick by brick.

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