Cydney4Modeling is such a grandiose industry for a person to desire to be a part of. It requires a large dose of ambition, initiative and self-confidence. But more importantly since success isn’t handed to you out the gate, the most special ingredient a model can possess is humility. Cydney, at all times, seems to embody all the right traits to be elevated above her peers, achieve great success, and leave a legacy behind that will inspire models for years to come. New to the industry but because of her strong work ethic and charming southern personality, Cydney has already become a photographer’s favorite. A model who shows up at the set on time, takes direction well but remains in control of her brand, is always the winner. We are more than proud to call Cydney a TrendingLADY.

HoustonTREND:  Whether it was an image you laid eyes on in a magazine or a compliment you received from a complete stranger… Take us back to the moment you made up your mind up that you would be a model….

Cydney: I was about 12 or 13 when I got my first headshot… It was all because I got my braces off, and upgraded from glasses to contacts. Nerdy, right?! (Laughs) I think I was still very hesitant, being so short and all. But, you know, I still don’t consider myself a model.

HoustonTREND: Although you may not consider yourself one, what moments have you created for yourself recently as a model that continue to push you to the next level?

Cydney: It makes me so happy when I’m able to book professional gigs for myself on the front end, as far as the actual shoots, AND on the back end, as far as organizing runway shows. It drives me to work harder, because I see the potential this industry has from every corner.

HoustonTREND: No matter what industry a person steps into, it’s never exactly what they imagined it to be. Talk about a time when the fairy tale of modeling wasn’t such a fairy tale anymore.

Cydney: (laughs) well, lets just say some people that I’ve worked with haven’t been so pleasant… Or professional for that matter. It was a complete turn off.

Cydney2HoustonTREND: Talk about a time when it seemed to exceed your expectations…

Cydney: I also work part time directly under the creator of “U Productions”, based in Houston. We organize fashion shows for Saks, Fendi, Tootsies and other high end retailers. Getting to see the ins and outs of high fashion modeling is a joy to me! I think it’s more work than I’d imagined, but extremely amazing once completed! 🙂

HoustonTREND: You’re a great example of a pretty face that dives into way more than just ventures in front of the camera. You also seem to walk the tight rope of beauty and class extremely well and have avoided falling into the safety net of sleazy and ratchetness. Why is it important to you to navigate around the ratchet potholes of the industry?

Cydney: Thank you! Well, like I said, I’ve had some unpleasant experiences with this industry that could turn anyone sour. I try to put myself first in everything I do, and remember that class will always last longer than beauty.

HoustonTREND: Well said… what expectations have you set for your model career and how long do you think it will take you to achieve them?

Cydney: I have goals beyond my wildest dreams that may sound crazy to anyone else, lol. I’m always one that believes I am the one that can “break the barrier” or “set the standard”. I would love to relax by 35. Hopefully everything I’ve hoped for and worked for will have come by then.

HoustonTREND: What do you believe are the largest obstacles in the way of attaining that success?

Cydney: My biggest problem is organization. I will have 10 ideas, and execute all 10 at once! (laughs) Instead of completing each task, one by one, thoroughly. I’m working on that, though!

HoustonTREND: Besides the blast you had on set with me (sarcasm) tell us about your best experience on set…

Cydney: I can honestly say that you brought forth the most comfortable work environment! The most fun I’ve had though was probably working with one of my friends from KC who is really into nature concepts. Pretty cool.

HoustonTREND: Of course now we want to hear about your worst (laughs)…

Cydney: Yikes! I’ve had some guys get a little too close for comfort! Ha! 

HoustonTREND: You’re obviously a stunning woman to look at, but as you know by now it takes that and so much more to be a successful model and I believe you have those intangibles. Working with you was a pleasure and we expect big things from you.

Cyd 4

| END |




Cydney (@Cgermainee)


Toy Dzurko (@ToyDzurko)

Interview & Photography:

Coreigh Terry (@CoreighTerry)

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